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Dinner Table Project: Families Survey 2023

1. Are you familiar with the Dinner Table Project’s monthly newsletter that encourages families to eat together, have fun, and grow closer through conversation?
This question requires a valid email address.
How did you first hear about the project?
Which newsletter do you use most often? 
How often do you use the information in the newsletter when having dinner with your family?
Has the information provided in the newsletter increased the number of times per month you eat together as a family?
What part of the Dinner Table Project newsletter is of most interest / value? Check all that apply.
What part of the Table Talks Project newsletter is of most interest / value? Select all that apply.
What other topics on the Table Talks Project newsletter would be helpful for you and your family? Select all that apply.
What are some of the benefits your family has already received from participating in this program? Select all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
What additional changes do you hope to see from participating? Select all that apply.
  • * This question is required.
Select the number of children participating in each of the following age groups:
Are you a farm family?
Are you a military-connected family?
Would you like more information about our materials for…
*Select all that apply.
This question requires a valid email address.